About Butterfly

Detail about Butterfly

How do your eyes work?

The different parts of your eye work together to help you see images and send visual information to your brain. This process all happens extremely quickly. When you look at an object:
  • Light enters your eye through the cornea and goes to your lens. Your pupil gets bigger and smaller to control the amount of light that gets into your eye.
  • Your cornea and lens refract (bend) the light to bring what you’re seeing into focus.
  • Light reaches the retina at the back of your eye, and the retina changes the images into electrical impulses or signals.
  • The optic nerve transfers these signals to the part of your brain that’s responsible for vision (visual cortex). The optic nerve carries signals from both eyes at once.
  • Your brain interprets what you’ve seen. It combines the visual information from both eyes and brings it all together into one clear image.